

Penempatan personal pelaksana khusus sebagai bagian dari produksi materi kampanye digital media sosial bertujuan menambah jumlah konten serta dukungan penyebarluasan narasi capaian program yang lebih masif serta terstruktur. Maka media sosial konsorsium Kerabat juga perlu adanya penambahan personal pelaksana khusus selama enam bulan kedepan terhitung mulai bulan April 2024 dan berakhir September 2024.

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Understanding the market chain for shark product in Sangihe Islands

Understanding the shark product market chain is essential for better understanding the Sangihe Islands small-scale shark fisheries. The traders accept the entire shark and pay the fishermen 4000 to 6000 rupiah per kilogramme of shark meat. In addition to the flesh, fishermen dry shark fins for sale to specialist shark fin traders. Fishermen often receive 100.000 to 1.600.000 rupiah per kilogramme of dried fins, with larger fins commanding a greater price.

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Small-scale shark fishery in Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi

YAPEKA discovered a one-of-a-kind village on Batuwingkung Island, where over 90% of the fishers rely on shark fishing over generations. To better understand the operations of shark fishermen, merchants, and other stakeholders, we undertook a socioeconomic and environmental evaluation. We are also monitoring the catch at landing sites and assessing the catch trend with the support of local enumerators. We identified the species name, fishing effort, and fishing location, as well as the catch’s weight, length, and gender.

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The Harmony of Human and Tiger Life in Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve

KERABAT Consortium, Led by YAPEKA work in BBKSDA Riau in collaboration with INDECON and FHK work in a unique area, where the remaining Sumatran tiger population is critically endangered (the IUCN RedList) and coexist with the local human population. This area, known as the Rimbang Baling landscape – with a Wildlife Reserve as its core area – is located in Riau Province, Sumatra Island of Indonesia.  Part of the IUCN ITHCP Phase III supported by KfW, this project’s objective is to help the local community recognize the value of actively conserving Sumatran tigers while simultaneously improving their quality of life.
Conservation of Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve (RBWR) requires meaningful participation from diverse stakeholders, for example through conservation and sustainable livelihood aspects. Engaging the management authority, local governments and community who live inside and adjacent to RBWR are essential. Multi-layer collaborative approaches include central government, local government, village government and private sector.

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YAPEKA merupakan lembaga non-profit yang bergerak dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Konservasi Alam.

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